Eating with our Ancestors in Mind

My name is Sheena and I am halfway through the first year of Aboriginal Tourism Operations at NEC. I’m really enjoying it so far, the content is relevant, the staff and students are respectful, and the atmosphere at the school is simply beyond compare.

Eat Right for Your TypeIn the tourism industry, appearance is important, so I have started the Blood Type Diet for blood types O, in hopes to portray a healthy image. The blood type diet is a nutritional plan made famous by the book “Eat Right for Your Type.” It’s all about eating foods that are compatible with your blood type, for health and longevity.

These can be the same foods your ancestors ate or these can be exotic foods, metabolically similar to what your ancestors ate. According to your blood type, there are foods that work for you (which can have healing properties) or foods that work against you (which can have disease promoting properties).

If you’re anything like me, you’ve struggled to eat healthy, especially when pressed for time and faced with commitments like work or school.  This is my biggest dilemma, but I am finding ways to combat this issue and eat with my ancestor’s in mind, even in today’s fast paced times.  I am planning to share my favourite on-the-go recipes as well as my favourite quick and easy switches to the “Eat Right for Your Type” lifestyle.

So, if you’re blood type O and you’re interested in finding out what you can do to make a few simple changes towards a healthier you, take a look at my personal blog: On there, I will have examples of what has worked for me, what hasn’t, what tasted good, what didn’t, detailed week-by-week meal plans, instructional videos and useful resources I’ve come across along the way.